16th Optatec: Exclusive Optotechnology Industry Meet Now in Preparation

The 16th Optatec international trade fair for optical technologies, components and systems extends its invitation to the customary trade fair venue in Frankfurt from the 14th through the 16th of May, 2024. Manufacturers and users of optotechnology and image processing come together at this highly specialised premium event. Optics aficionados from a diverse range of industry sectors are inspired by this highly specialised, world-class trade fair, which takes place at regular intervals once every two years.
Optatec has established itself firmly with its explicit range of products for the development, production and utilisation of optical components, optomechanics, optoelectronics, fibre optics, fibre-optic cables, laser components and digital microscopy, as well as processing machines and manufacturing systems for the production of optics. The platform is recognised as a leading trade fair with high levels of internationalism which showcases top technologies of outstanding calibre. Often described as “small but exceptional”, Optatec brings enthusiastic optics experts together. “Anyone interested in optics knows that Optatec, at its renowned trade fair venue in Frankfurt, is the right place to present their company and gather information,” notes Fabian Krüger, project manager at trade fair promoters P. E. Schall.
Small, Exceptional, Highly Specialised – and International
The fact that Optatec has established itself around the world as the leading trade fair in the field of optical manufacturing technologies was once again confirmed by the most recent edition of the trade fair in 2022, to which nearly half of the exhibitors came from outside of Germany. Nowhere else do international experts, manufacturers and users of optotechnology and image processing meet in such a focused manner as at Optatec. New technologies, new manufacturing processes and new machines are at the centre of attention. Production and quality assurance managers, as well as system integrators, hold Optatec in high esteem as a key trade fair for the optotechnology and image processing sector. Exhibitors and visitors benefit from its thematic exclusivity, its high degree of technical orientation and its precise targeting of specific user groups.
“Traditionally, Optatec ensures direct, pragmatic user benefits with its practice-oriented concept,” stresses project manager Fabian Krüger. “Our exhibitors develop viable solutions for practical implementation in a direct exchange of ideas. They meet up with the target groups they’re specifically looking for at Optatec.” Users and potential customers come to the event from all sectors – for example robotics and automation technology, laser technology, the automotive industry, aviation and aerospace, medical technology and medical imaging, as well as lighting technology. Hall 8 in the Frankfurt Exhibition Centre – at ground level with convenient, direct access to the rapid-transit railway system – is the ideal business location for the optics community. Production and quality assurance managers, as well as manufacturing directors and system integrators, benefit from high levels of technical orientation and the precise targeting of specific user groups.
Connecting Research and Industry
Research and science also take advantage of Optatec – as a matter of tradition, university representatives organise the “Training & Research” technology park which promotes a practical transfer of knowledge from research to routine business operations. This information platform is scheduled to take place again in 2024, in order to maintain ties between universities and the optics industry. Not least of all, the technology park is targeted at attracting young professionals and students to the field of photonics. The topics covered by Optatec are becoming more and more important in all industrial and non-industrial sectors. Optical technologies are being driven by ever-stricter quality requirements, as well as by expanding use of automation, digitalisation and autonomous systems. “Optical technologies are indispensable for many areas of life,” emphasises Krüger. “Optotechnology and image processing are amongst the booming trends of the future. This makes it all the more important to save the dates for the trade fair in Frankfurt from the 14th through the 16th of May, 2024.”
Further Information: www.Optatec-Messe.de
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Schall has developed successful business platforms with internationally recognised trade fairs for quality assurance (Control), optical technologies, components and systems (Optatec), stamping technology (Stanztec), automation in production and assembly (Motek), bonding technology (Bondexpo), plastics processing (Fakuma), sheet metal working (Blechexpo) and joining technology (Schweisstec). This has given rise to entirely new markets in various sectors, whose protagonists are distinguished by tremendous innovative strength, comprehensive systems competence and practical application solutions.